Information about project Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices KA202 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training Name Innovation in dressing techniques Akronym IDT Number 2018-1-HR01-KA202-047488 Partners 1. […]
Author: vrabmin
The activities we carried out during the implementation of the project were divide so that each participant in the project had specific tasks and activities in the following categories: Project management and implementation has been[…]
Transnational Meetings
Transnational meetings of project team members are part of the project activities. The purpose of transnational meetings is to bring project participants together for “live” meetings, since this way of working and communication cannot be[…]
Learning/Teaching/Training Activities
Students have the most important role for the sustainability of the Project, because as future healthcare professionals, they will apply the knowledge and skills they acquire during the project in their work. Five students from[…]
Multiplier Events
The project team organised four multiplier events. These events were created for the purpose of disseminate information about Manual and activity from different phases of the project and to engage wider stakeholders. Participants were from[…]
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